by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
On May 19th 2022, The work of Hannah Merdian’s research group (onlinePROTECT) was showcased via a video at the Stop it Now! Flanders (Belgium) anniversary symposium entitled “Beyond stigma: 5 years Stop it Now”.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
In early May 2022, Ross Bartels chaired a symposium entitled “Widening the Scope of Paraphilic Research: Examining Exhibitionistic, Dacryphilic, and Somnophilic Interests” at the 2022 NOTA conference in Leeds.
- The symposium was comprised of three talks. The first was on ‘dacryphilia’ delivered by UoL MSc student Isobel Corfield; the second was on exhibitionism by MSc student Courteney Ferguson; and the third was on somnophilia by PhD student Liz Deehan. The session was well-attended and generated great interest and discussion.
- MSc student – Karolina Wojcik – also presented a research poster on a new ‘Functions of Sexual Fantasy Scale’. NOTA have since invited Karolina to write a NOTA blog post about this piece of work.
- Also, Hannah Merdian’s research, as part of a collaboration with the intervention provider Stop it Now! Scotland, was presented at the conference. The talk was entitled: “Stop it Now! Scotland and online PROTECT: key trends and patterns in a dataset gathered from 800 clients over the past decade”.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
On the 29th April 2022, FCRG members Todd Hogue and Lauren Smith, along with colleagues from the School of Social and Political Sciences (Tony Ellis, Sue Bond-Taylor and Carina O’Reilly), hosted a workshop to support to development of a new initiative to tackle knife-enabled crime in Lincolnshire, Think Sharp – which is being led by Lincolnshire Police.
The event was held at The Cathedral Centre and was the first of 2 workshops, attended by stakeholders with lived experience, and representatives from health, criminal justice and the local authorities, funded by the University of Lincoln’s allocation of the QR Policy Support Fund.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
On the 4/5th April 2022, Todd Hogue and Tochukwu Onwuegbusi gave an invited presentation at 2022 New Directions in Sex Offenders Conference at the University of Birmingham.
Their talk covered the application of their newly developed data-driven eye tracking method to assess sexual interests.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
On 21st Jan (2022), Ross Bartels gave a presentation about his new chapter at the online launch of the new book in which it is published (‘Challenges in the Management of People Convicted of a Sexual Offence: A Way Forward’, Uzieblo et al., 2022).
Ross’ chapter is entitled “Understanding Sexual Fantasising: Implications for Forensic Practice and Research”
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
Elizabeth Deehan (PhD student) presented the findings of one of her PhD studies on somnophilia at the BPS’ Division of Forensic Psychology annual conference on Tuesday 9th Nov 2021.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events, Funding Success
Amanda Roberts has been awarded £30,000 from GREO (Gambling Research Exchange Ontario) and the SSA (Society of the Study of Addictions) to organise and host a series of Current Advances in Gambling Research (CAGR) conferences.
The CAGR conferences aim to showcase some of the first-class gambling research being done in the UK, by drawing together academic experts from different areas to discuss the latest data driven advances.
The next conference will be on 19th and 20th May 2022 in Cardiff.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
On 11th October (2021), Lauren Smith, along with Karen Harrison from the Law School, gave an invited talk to the Prison Governors Association about the well-being of prison governors and operational managers.
The findings of the research undertaken will be finalised and shared with the Ministry of Justice in the coming months.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
On 1st Oct (2021), Ross Bartels presented an online talk on his work regarding offence-supportive beliefs for a symposium entitled “Offense-Supportive Cognitions and Sexual Aggression in Community Males” at the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers’ (ATSA) online annual conference.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Conferences / Events
PhD student Elizabeth Deehan presented an online talk at the IATSO 2021 conference on her work examining somnophilia and dormaphilia (Aug 25th).