Understanding Offending
A key area of research within the FCRG involves understanding the factors and psychological processes involved in the commission of offending behaviours, including sexual, violent, and acquisitive offending. This research involves samples of incarcerated individuals, as well as members of community using both established and newly devised self-report and indirect measures.
Recent studies and articles published on these topics include:
- Lehmann, R. J., Schäfer, T., Bartels, R. M., Sabic, S., & Schache, C. (2024). Testing the Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the German Version of Gray et al.’s (2003) Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-12.
- King-Parker, M., Bartels, R. M., Onwuegbusi, T., & Parke, A. (2023). The Burglary Cognitive Distortions Scale: Its association with burglary proclivity and other key variables. Psychology, Crime & Law, 29, 1054-1079.
- Rossegger, A., Bartels, R., Endrass, J., Borchard, B., & Singh, J. (2021). High risk sexual fantasies and sexual offending: An overview of fundamentals and interventions. Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention, 16, 1-16. – Open Access
- Merdian, H. L., Perkins, D. E., Dustagheer, E., & Glorney, E. (2020). Development of a case formulation model for individuals who have viewed, distributed, and/or shared child sexual exploitation material. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 64(10-11), 1055-1073.
- Curtis, A., McVilly, K.R., Day, A., Lindsay, W.R., Taylor, J.L. and Hogue, T.E. (2019), “The characteristics and treatment needs of fire setters with intellectual disability: descriptive data and comparisons between offence type”, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 10(4), 82-88.

Also, a book related to this research area was published by Ross Bartels (& Leam Craig), entitled ‘Sexual Deviance‘ – covering theory and research on paraphilic interests linked to sexual offending.