by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Other
Elizabeth Deehan (PhD student) was invited by the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA) to write an article about her research on somnophilia for their online bulletin board.
The article (published on 5th Oct) can be found at:
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Other
In Sept 202
0, Lauren Smith was asked to be a member of the Lincolnshire Reducing Offending Core Priority Group.
The meeting brings together stakeholders from the police, prisons, housing, courts, health and the voluntary sector to develop and implement plans to reduce offending across the county. Lauren will be working with them to develop opportunities for collaborative research. She will also be presenting current ongoing research into homelessness among people involved in the criminal justice system and the impact of Covid-19 (along with Todd and Amanda) to them on 13th October 2020.
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Other
Congratulations to Matthew King-Parker (PhD student) for receiving a runner-up prize for his presentation on his burglary research at the PsyPAG 2020 conference!!
by rbartels | Jun 30, 2022 | Other
In June 2020, Michelle Smith was elected as Committee Member for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of the BPS Division of Forensic Psychology. She will hold this post for the next 3 years.
by rbartels | Sep 15, 2016 | Other
Recently, FCRG member Dr Amanda Roberts published a study on gambling and violence in UK men (see previous post on it here).
The findings of the study are of importance to both those interested in understanding and helping problem gamblers, as well as those interested in understanding violence in men. Moreover, the study has also caught the eye of the press – specifically, Science Daily, The Times, and the Daily Mail. Click on each link to read the news articles on the study.
The full reference for the study is:
Amanda Roberts, Jeremy Coid, Robert King, Raegan Murphy, John Turner, Henrietta Bowden-Jones, Katie Palmer Du Preez, Jason Landon (2016). Gambling and violence in a nationally representative sample of UK men. Addiction, Online Version. doi: 10.1111/add.13522