Dr Hannah Merdian to Present at NOTA

Dr Hannah Merdian has been invited to give a keynote presentation and workshop at an upcoming conference.  She will be presenting her model of the assessment and classification of offenders who use child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) and her workshop will address some of the more practical elements of the model. The event, hosted by the North West Branch of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers (NOTA) on 21st November 2013, will be held at the Red Bank Community Home in St Helens, Merseyside.

More on Dr Median’s research can be found here.

For more information about the NOTA conference, or to book your place, please click here.

The Semantics of ‘Paedophilia’

Given the recent high-profile allegations of historic sexual abuse by celebrities from years-gone-by, it is important to look at the language used to describe these potential offenders within public discourse.  Is it right that anybody who abuses a child can be automatically labelled a ‘paedophile’?  Are the tabloid press right to use such emotive terms?  In this blog post, Craig Harper considers some of the evidence about what paedophilia is, and suggests that, as a society, we need to exercise caution in labelling people in potentially incorrect and damaging ways.

Click here to read this blog post.

Prison – What’s The Point?

Can prisons ever be a place of rehabilitation, or should they be there to dish out just deserts?  In this post, Craig Harper looks at the various purposes of prison and argues that we should view them as places of incapacitation in their current form.  Over time, there should be a movement to produce prisons that can truly be places of rehabilitation, but political support for this will be required.

Click here to view this blog post.

Understanding Extremism

How is it that some people become attracted to religious fundamentalism or political extremism?  Is there a difference in the mindsets of those who engage in religion-derived suicide bombings and nationalist campaigns against ‘non-natives’?  In this blog post, Craig Harper starts to set out how some people may be drawn into extremism.

Click here to read this post in full.

FCRG member Lorraine Bowman-Grieve researches various forms of extremism.  Check out her page and research for more details.

Debating The Death Penalty

Is the death penalty ever justified?  Does it act as an effective deterrent, or is it the essence of an overly-retributive criminal justice system?  Here, Craig Harper tries to unpack some of the issues surrounding the death penalty debate, and puts forward the argument that support for the reintroduction may be deep-rooted within the individual psyche of the ‘common man’.

Click here to read this post.